
College Essay Consulting
We pride ourselves on working with students to craft powerful essays that present their authentic selves to admissions officers. Our Specialists have years of experience helping students get accepted into their dream schools and will help your child write compelling personal statements and supplemental essays through our tailored College Essay Program.

Career Coaching
A unique component of our College Readiness service is preparation for college and beyond. Our Specialists work with students to determine their college majors, perfect their resume, apply for summer programs, and obtain research opportunities. With our Career Coaching, your child will learn to identify his or her drive in order to create a roadmap for the future.

Narrative Building
Your child's narrative is the story we will tell colleges. Our Specialists help students weave stories that showcase their strengths and talents across essays, letters of recommendations, extracurricular activities, awards, and more. We help college admissions officers get to know your child on a personal level and understand what makes them unique.

Test Prep
A crucial portion of the college app process is being prepared to handle the standardized testing process. Our test prep coaches are trained to teach students the critical thinking skills they need to understand the SAT, ACT, and AP exams on a deeper level, setting your child up for academic success.